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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Exam Take Home??

Hari ini Hari Rabu?? Kelas dengan Ustaz Azizi..
Satu cerita di garap. mengenai Kes Exam.Maklum la musim exam. Kelas jam 12 tengahari.. p sana ingatkan kena jawab exam, tapi ambil kertas terus balik. tak perlu duduk..Rupa2 nya kena jawab Take Home..EMMmmm...
Ok soalannya?

Satu mengenai " To ensure capital money and market development in any particular nation, emphasise should be placed to 2 main aspect; infrastructure development and product development".

1) Explain in detail what is meant by infrastructure development and what meant by product development in Islamic Capital and Money Market.
2) Give 5 examples with detail explanation for every category for its first introduced 2009.

satu lagi mengenai Pinjaman Peribadi atau dalam Islam Pembiayaan Peribadi "Bank Rakyat in Malaysia practices the Bay al-'inah principles in its persenol financing product. this product is highly accepted even though it has become controversial as to it halal and haram status among scholars. Even in the Islamic countries and Middle East it is clearly rejected. Scholars come out with an alternative on the usage of Bay al-inah in Malaysia by introducting al-Tawarruq priciple which is hoped to assist Islamic community's needs. This means the alternative of Personnal Financing (Bay al-inah) is Bay al-Tawarruq.

You are therefore asked to help Islamic ecomonic system to develop better, systematic, just and customer friendly product.
Choose one housing loan product, vehicles loan product and 3 whatever product to make up into 5 which are existence todeay. Give alternative to the product which has added value such as helping the community by lightening their burden and daily needs. The explanation must be done with elobaration of the concept and the advantange expected to the community.

so, can all of you help me to answer the questions???

Mengenai jawapannya
Apakah maksud Infrastructure development? dan apakah product development serta 5 contoh setiap katogeri tu?

Kalau mengenai produk pembiayaan Peribadi yang ditawarkan di Bank Rakyat. Mengambil contoh mengenai konsep yang digunakan ialah bay al-inah. dan juga bay al-tawarruq. Kedua-duanya hampir sama. tapi tidak sama. Bay al-inah menggunakan 2 parties dan bay al-tawarruq menggunakan 3 parties.

Alright.Persiap satu-satu sebelum 25 April ini.

Madah Ilmuan

Saya Ada satu epal, anda Ada satu epal. Kita tukar epal, anda Ada satu Dan saya tetap Ada satu. Jika anda Ada satu ilmu Dan saya Ada satu ilmu, kemudian Kita tukar ilmu tersebut, anda Ada dua ilmu Dan saya Ada dua ilmu...

Just to charge information

Indahnya Kata-kata

Jujurlah terhadap diri sendiri ketika bermuhasabah. Koreksi satu persatu kesalahan kita. Jangan nafikan realiti. Setelah disedari kelemahan dan kesilapan kita, maka akui hakikat itu. Ingat, kita perlu maafkan diri kita kerana kita juga perlu mengasihi diri kita sendiri.

INgat2kan....Sekarang Bulan Ramadhan 1430 H

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