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Friday, January 08, 2010

Bu@T assigment!!!!

This is first semester....
utk M.Sc Management by Coursework

Minimum requirement is 36 credit hours, which comprise the following:
* Candidates are required to complete a Project Paper of 20,000 words, on relevant topic after consultation with their supervisor.

Core Courses (24 credit hours)
GMUL 5063 Ethics, Law and Corporate Social Responsibility; or
GMUL 5023 Law and Ethics
BPMM 6013 Marketing Management
BPMN 6013 Organizational Behaviour and Development
BPMN 6023 Strategic Management
BPMN 6053 Management Information System
BPMN 6073 Research Methodology
BSMH 5013 Human Resource Management
BJMP 5023
Elective Courses (6 credit hours)
Select any TWO (2) elective courses from the following list:

SCCG 5013 Communication Skills for Managers
BFMA 6043 International Business
BPME 6093 Entrepreneur Development
BPMS 6013 Theory and Philosophy of Muamalat
BPMS 6023 Muamalat Management
BPMS 6033 Muamalat Principle in Islamic Capital and Money Market
BWFM 5013 Corporate Finance

Project Paper (6 credit hours)
BPMZ 6996 Master’s Project Paper

Tempoh untuk master ini 2 tahun.. But, God Willing try to settle around 1 1/2 years

For this semester juast take.

BPMS 6033 Muamalat Principle in Islamic Capital and Money Market
BPMM 6013 Marketing Management
BPMN 6053 Management Information System
BSMH 5013 Human Resource Management

So many assignment..So HAppay =)

Madah Ilmuan

Saya Ada satu epal, anda Ada satu epal. Kita tukar epal, anda Ada satu Dan saya tetap Ada satu. Jika anda Ada satu ilmu Dan saya Ada satu ilmu, kemudian Kita tukar ilmu tersebut, anda Ada dua ilmu Dan saya Ada dua ilmu...

Just to charge information

Indahnya Kata-kata

Jujurlah terhadap diri sendiri ketika bermuhasabah. Koreksi satu persatu kesalahan kita. Jangan nafikan realiti. Setelah disedari kelemahan dan kesilapan kita, maka akui hakikat itu. Ingat, kita perlu maafkan diri kita kerana kita juga perlu mengasihi diri kita sendiri.

INgat2kan....Sekarang Bulan Ramadhan 1430 H

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